
My first TechRadar

:heavy_exclamation_mark: This post is older than a year. Consider some information might not be accurate anymore. :heavy_exclamation_mark:

At my team kickoff meeting was a small coding session. The main objective is to create a tech-radar. In short, technology radars are a way to assess and evaluate your current work with your technology ecosystem. This is, in my humble opinion, a mandatory tool for knowing what you have and what you need to accomplish or align to the company’s strategy.

While it was fun, doing this in the team, tech-radars are not limited to companies. As Software Developer/Engineer it may help you to layout your career road-map, presumably you know want you want :smile:. Here are some further explanations by Bruno Trecenti.

risk vs. reward communication tool continuous innovation change is inevitable structure make decisions repeat

If you wanna have a look at my techradar.

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