
Inspect and view WebP images on Linux

:heavy_exclamation_mark: This post is older than a year. Consider some information might not be accurate anymore. :heavy_exclamation_mark:

Used:   libwebp 0.6.1  gThumb 3.8.0 

After installing libwebp the utilities to deal with the WebP image format comes in handy.

webpinfo Tool

For instance if you need to inspect a webp file.

Usage: webpinfo [options] in_files
Try -longhelp for an exhaustive list of options


$ webpinfo portfolio.webp 
File: portfolio.webp
  File size: 279146
Chunk VP8L at offset     12, length 279134
  Width: 682
  Height: 384
  Alpha: 0
  Animation: 0
  Format: Lossless (2)
No error detected.

See also webpinfo Tool.

vwebp File Viewer

The WebP viewer displays the image in the graphics environment.

$ vwebp -h
Usage: vwebp in_file [options]

Decodes the WebP image file and visualize it using OpenGL
Options are:
  -version ..... print version number and exit
  -noicc ....... don't use the icc profile if present
  -nofancy ..... don't use the fancy YUV420 upscaler
  -nofilter .... disable in-loop filtering
  -dither <int>  dithering strength (0..100), default=50
  -noalphadither disable alpha plane dithering
  -mt .......... use multi-threading
  -info ........ print info
  -h ........... this help message

Keyboard shortcuts:
  'c' ................ toggle use of color profile
  'i' ................ overlay file information
  'd' ................ disable blending & disposal (debug)
  'q' / 'Q' / ESC .... quit


$ vwebp portfolio.webp 


If you need a graphical tool gThumb supports WebP by default.

To install it

sudo apt install gthumb

If you work with Atom or Visual Studio Code the images are displayed if the underlying system supports it.

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