This post is older than a year. Consider some information might not be accurate anymore.
Used: kibana 4.1
This post explains the backup of Kibana 4.1 objects and how to restore them.
Kibana 4 has the basic concept
- you define a search
- based on the search you create a visualisation
- visualisation can be combined into a dashboard
In this order for backup you need to export and import the objects. Kibana 4 offers under Settings
→ Objects
for each object type the export functionality. Assume you have multiple environments like:
- development
- integration/staging
- pre-production
- production
If the dashboard, visualisations and searches only differ in the environment name, you can export the Kibana objects for one environment. The output has a JSON format. You can just simply search and replace the environment variable and import for each environment a clone dashboard.