This post is older than a year. Consider some information might not be accurate anymore.
Just did this weekend the migration of several Elasticsearch Clusters from v2.4.3 to v5.1.1. The catalog API for indices has new features. You can sort the columns.
See below the example for count of primary shards (output shortened).
[vinh@localhost ~]$ curl "localhost:9200/_cat/indices?v&s=pri:desc"
health status index uuid pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size
green open fo-dev-2017.01.09 lhf2liV8Spej8wH-CfTlUw 5 1 10800448 0 9.5gb 4.7gb
green open elk-etu-2017.01.10 d9xtBETKQ0OkKHqye3wXXQ 5 1 48 0 342.5kb 180kb
green open tandem-2017.01 -X1gUa_YTju8FCHyA3xtrw 2 1 444368 0 140.4mb 70.2mb
green open fo-log-2016 W-KA23jCTGO5-_fLGc4Qmw 2 1 47187 0 95mb 47.5mb
green open .watcher-history-2-2016.11.22 Z5gq1NEqSQaBJ99LPPlbfA 1 1 2 0 19.7kb 9.8kb
green open fo-etu-2017.01.07 IDNa1g17QY2ZR9-oKbzt_g 1 1 2751560 0 1.2gb 644.6mb
green open fo-dev-2017.01.10 sBiZBcmQQfqbWAUO1mC3UA 1 1 3780704 0 2.3gb 1.2gb
green open fo-itu-2017.01 Ot9BuOjZQvemz_Z-45sbuA 1 1 15325866 0 14.6gb 7.3gb