

A Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins with a Single Step

Using the CLI in JBoss

This post describes the basic concepts of the JBoss command line interface. It may enhance the work with the CLI.

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Enable remote access for JBoss Web

This post demonstrates how to enable the remote access for JBoss in standalone mode. It includes several CLI commands to check the status at runtime. To apply the changes a restart is needed.

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Logstash handling of multi-line and exceptions in Java log files

JBoss Logs contains messages that are spread across over multiple lines. For instance startup messages and exceptions. This post demonstrates how to handle them in logstash and keep them as message part together.

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List installed JDBC drivers in JBoss

This post demonstrates how to query at runtime, which JDBC drivers are available in JBoss EAP via the CLI.

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Change default log format of JBoss via CLI

This blog post demonstrates how to change the default log format of JBoss periodic file handler FILE. In the original state, it doesn’t log the date of the log entry. Using logstash with datetime matching, requires a date :-).

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Use dirname and basename for dealing with paths

Dealing with paths or pathnames is a common Bash Shell scripting task. dirname and basename are unix programs that are very handy for dealing with pathnames.

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Remove installed rpm forcefully

If you create your own rpm, you may make mistakes in the scrips of pre and post installation and removal. Especially removing an rpm with a wrong pre-uninstall script is not possible, e.g removing a folder that doesn’t exists. For that case you can erase the rpm with the --noscripts option.

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Use whiptail in interactive shell scripts

Whiptail is a program that allows shell scripts to display dialog boxes to the user for informational purposes, or to get input from the user in a friendly way. It is included in several linux distributions like Debian or rhel.

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Create help output with echo in shell scripts

Writing bash (shell) scripts is sometimes necessary to automate little task and ease the maintenance. Providing a good help is also must, for the others admins, that have to use it. This post illustrates a small example.

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