

A Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins with a Single Step

Major logstash changes in the email output plugin

Today I was looking on the upgrade of logstash 1.5.4 to newest version 2.2.0 in the office. There are some configuration breakers. One of them, is in the email output plugin.

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Disable shard allocation of your Elasticsearch nodes

If you going to upgrade your cluster or restart a node, it is wise to disable the shard allocation on that node. This prevents Elasticsearch from rebalancing missing shards until you tell it otherwise. This post demonstrates how to disable and enable shard allocation.

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Check for responsive Elasticsearch instance in a shell script

This small shell script checks if an Elasticsearch instance is running by querying the REST API.

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Parsing output with multiple whitespace

This post demonstrates how to parse output separated with multiple whitespace in the bash/shell.

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Delete multiple documents from an Elasticsearch Index

This post demonstrates how to delete documents from an Index in Elasticsearch, that meet you search criteria of a query. You may have situations, that you are reporting to a wrong index. Therefore this post gives you an solution how you can clean up your index.

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Installing Elasticsearch Plugins behind a proxy or offline

This post demonstrates how to install elasticsearch or kibana plugins behind a proxy. There are several possibilities to achieve an online or offline installation. Following example installs the delete-by-query plugin for elasticsearch v 2.2. It is a great improvement to the previous buggy and non performant implementation. elastic has remove it from the elasticsearch core.

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Remove console handler from root logger in JBoss/Wildfly

This post demonstrates how to remove log handlers at runtime in JBoss EAP 6.4.4 or Wildfly.

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Use ssh-keys for authentication with MobaXterm

MobaXterm is also a more convenient ssh client like putty. Session management in the professional version is very handy. Since MobaXterm comes with cygwin, ssh is also available in the local terminal. To eliminate the hassle for entering the password (especially if security compliance requires you to change the password every month), ssh keys are a more secure and convenient method for authentication on servers. This post illustrates how you do it with MobaXterm.

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Apache Tomcat Versions

If you deal with Apache Tomcat and legacy applications, you might need to know which current version matches which JSP or Servlet specification.

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