

A Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins with a Single Step

Using git under Windows with SSH

Git provides with the git bash and GUI a sufficient way to manage git repositories. Using git with SSH causes an error. Somehow git doesn’t take Putty’s plink. Well the culprit was a former installed program - tortoisegit. This article about Git on Windows fixed my problem with tortoisegit. Just set the GIT_SSH environment variable to plink.

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Switching remote git repositories from HTTPS to SSH

If you access the git repository via HTTPS you have to provide each time authentication data. Switching to SSH is more convenient and secure. After adding your public SSH key to the repository in GitHub (or any other) you can access the repository with SSH. To switch your local git repository:

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Unknown host accessing Atlassian Stash

Atlassian Stash default server setting for SSH is port 7999. If you switch the git repository to SSH access, your client may reject the SSH connection.

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Create SSH keys with PuTTYgen

If you are “forced” to use Windows, Putty provides with PuTTYgen the possibility to create SSH keys. It can also convert existing keys from OpenSSH. The keys will be available to the Putty ssh agent - pageant.

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Push existing code to remote git repository

For the situation you have created a remote (master) repository on GitHub, BitBucket or OpenHub.

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Setup WLAN for Raspberry Pi

This post explains how to setup a WiFi (WPA prototcol) connection on Raspbian. You will need an USB WiFi dongle attached to the Raspberry Pi.

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Setup file-server for Windows

We enable the Raspberry Pi as file server for Windows. To achieve that we need to install Samba. Samba allows windows clients to access the Raspberry Pis attached storage devices. All commands need root privileges, if you are working as user gain privileges by adding sudo before each command.

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Setup torrent server with Web Interface for Raspberry Pi

Using Raspberry Pi is a comfortable and cheap way to run a private NAS server. Besides FTP support, this article demonstrates how to run a torrent application on Raspberry Pi. We have no X-Server support, so a web user interface is needed. I choose deluge, an open source bit-torrent client, that provides a web gui. Above picture shows using the web ui deluge to download the current stable release of Debian Jessie.

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Enable swap for Raspberry Pi

When you migrate your root to an external usb hdd, the next step is to enable swap.

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