

A Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins with a Single Step

Retrieve process id from ps

Example process without the grep command

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Show process tree of a dedicated process

I always wonder if I could display the a certain process with pstree and not the whole process tree itself. It is possible. See below the results after reading the man page and trying out the options.

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Admonitions in Asciidoctor

Admonitions in Asciidoctor are primarily related to docbook. Following admonitions are built in.

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Purge old packages from Linux

For deb based distributions like Debian, Ubuntu, it is advisable to purge old packages (have status rc, r=removed, c=config).

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Backup Kibana

Kibana is the visual web interface for elasticsearch. You can create searches, visualisations and dashboards. Sometimes you spend a lot of valuable work into them. Therefore is essential to have some kind of backup for Kibana. The Kibana data itself, is stored in Elasticsearch in the .kibana index. One way is to use the snapshot and restore capability of Elasticsearch.

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Delete all tables for Oracle DB

To purge all data from a user schema, I simply generate a drop table statement for each user table.

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ORA-01830 - National Language Support between Germany and Switzerland

I have to deal with a German software vendor, which gives us some SQLs scripts for Oracle DB. Between Germany and Switzerland, there are minor differences, which led to error ORA-01830. The script contained some insert statements with timestamps.

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Log output of a specific Class to a specific Appender with log4j

An Java application uses log4j. Since I use logback all the time, it was quite a challenge to look up the docs for log4j 1.2.17. This application also writes statistical logs. To separate the statistic, we can use a different appender in log4j. The crucial point is to set the additivity to false, so the log won’t be logged twice in the root logger.

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I needed to backup my data, rsync is the right tool for that. But since it has so many options, I look out for a graphical user interface, that could set up my settings. I found it at grsync.

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