Archive 2016
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Speed up my Linux Book
Change log level at runtime in JBoss EAP/Wildfly with CLI
Use netstat to check used ports of a process
Build a function for RPM cleanup
Apache Tomcat Versions
Use ssh-keys for authentication with MobaXterm
Remove console handler from root logger in JBoss/Wildfly
Installing Elasticsearch Plugins behind a proxy or offline
Delete multiple documents from an Elasticsearch Index
Parsing output with multiple whitespace
Check for responsive Elasticsearch instance in a shell script
Disable shard allocation of your Elasticsearch nodes
Major logstash changes in the email output plugin
Code Review - Boolean's Delight
Check SSD cache on HP Pavilion 500-330nz
Disable online search results in Unity
Secure your FTP server with Let's Encrypt certificates
Setup Postfix TLS with Let's Encrypt certificates
Filter messages in JBoss Logging
Change key-server URL on GnuPG smart card
Connecting to SSL Services with openssl
Export SSL/TLS certificates with openssl
Getting started with JBoss EAP Quickstart Examples
Create alias for indices in Elasticsearch
Import pem certificate into Java KeyStore (jks)
Analyse network traffic capture with Wireshark
Bind JBoss EAP to subnet
Use Dropwizard Metrics with CDI in Java EE
Debug Environment Variables and System Properties in Java
Das Partition Feature der Oracle DB
Change System Properties for SSL Handling in JBoss EAP at runtime
Using proxy within Java for HTTP or HTTPS connection
Reduce boilerplate code with Lombok
Copy contents of Java Keystore to another Keystore
Elasticsearch Reporter for Dropwizard Metrics
Delete Elasticsearch index-name with special characters
Check supported algorithms in OpenSSH
Migrate /tmp to RAM storage
Enable and disable Elasticsearch cluster shard allocation
No protocol specified in Evince
Logging from HP NonStop to Elasticsearch cluster
Bodhi Linux - a damn good lightweight distribution
Compile all python programmes in current directory
Get system hostname with Python
Check release on rhel
Conditional check of installed rpm
Remove MaxPermSize warning from JBoss EAP
Configure cntlm as git proxy
My new Micro Barebone Intel NUC 6I5SYH
Log output of a specific Class to a specific Appender with log4j
ORA-01830 - National Language Support between Germany and Switzerland
Delete all tables for Oracle DB
Backup Kibana
Purge old packages from Linux
Admonitions in Asciidoctor
Show process tree of a dedicated process
Retrieve process id from ps
Debug filebeat
Replace NaN values with zero
testdisk saved my data from a sd-card
Resolve multiline grokparsefailure with regex
Check used files of process
Start bash in docker container
View stdout of docker container
Docker behind proxy with CNTLM
Create a self signed certificate with openssl
Every Time Zone
Check active hosts within ip range
Key Authentication with sftp for FileZilla
Convert private SSL key from JKS to PEM format
Remove password from private ssl key
Debug Active Directory security within Elasticsearch Shield
Remove docker containers from a dedicated image
A Glance at Service Discovery
Remove all exited docker images
Hello Elasticsearch Docker
Resolve critical elasticsearch cluster health
Use Travis CI in Github to build and deploy to dockerhub
Using the native realm in Elasticsearch Shield
Alerting with Elasticsearch Watcher
Visualise Elasticsearch Watcher Statistics with Kibana
Using dictionaries in bash 4
Housekeeping of log files
Migrate elasticsearch indices from different clusters with logstash
NonStop SQL MX with IntelliJ or DataGrip
Localisation problem while deinstalling Oracle 11g on Windows
Handling logstash input multiline codec
Reindex data in Elasticsearch
Groups of Groups in Ansible
Use Ansible for cluster management
Correct type mapping in index template for Elasticsearch
Show docker container size
Make docker ps readable
Run Sonarqube with Docker and PostgreSQL
Checking for running port on Windows cmd
Monitor process and used ports of Kibana
Controlling Elasticsearch Marvel Data Collection
Monitoring of TCP connections with collectd and Elasticsearch
Comment and uncomment files with sed
Get distinct field values in Elasticsearch
List dependency tree in Apache Maven
Monitor Elasticsearch in Docker with Monit
Filter for incorrect behavior in RiskShield Server
Running a Heartbeat Service in RiskShield
Create user in Oracle DB 12c
Drop pluggable databases in Oracle DB
Create a new pluggable database in Oracle DB
Change client session language in sqlplus
Disable auto formatting in vim
Delete zero byte files
Logrotate Java Application Logs
Parse user agent strings into structured data based on BrowserScope data with logstash
Set disc number in id3v2 tag
Resolve ssh host key violations
Disable apt auto update and upgrade
Parallel steps with Jenkinsfile
Toggle bash history
Import and remove gpg key with rpm
Add proxy for yum
Enabling DNS in VirtualBox NAT engine
Setup keyboard language in CentOS
Highlight lines in vim
Deploy rpm file to Artifactory with maven deploy:deploy-file
Install docker on CentOS as virtual machine
Use custom docker registry
Using proxy in Dockerfile
Install VirtualBox Guest Additions on CentOS
Remove Oracle 12c DB software from Windows
netstat on CentOS
Oracle 12c on CentOS
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